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Main terms related to Epsilon

Following different technical words which are required to learn Epsilon. First thing is to know about these words and why these are requirement of Epsilon and usage.

  1.  Macros
  2.  Regex
  3.  Grep
  4.  Search
  5.  Buffer
  6. Copy
  7. Paste
  8. Cut

Now i am going to describe these terms. Some term is basic and already understandable for everyone but i am describing all above terms.


    A single instruction that expands into a set of instructions to perform a task. It means that it records all the instructions and key strokes that you press on keyboard in EPSILON.  
     Regex is term which uses the grouping of different sets and replace all those things which found many times in the code. 
    To search any thing which is same in different files. This command search and put the result in front of you.
    Select the word and use command to search anything you want in the file.
          It is a region of a physical memory used to temporarily store data while it is being moved from one place to another.

          To copy a piece of data to a temporary location. Copy refers to duplicating.
    Copy the text or document and put them into the same or differnt location is known as paste
    To remove or move a document and place it in a buffer. Cut means to move a section. 

In next section i will describe all the above commands and how we can use these commands in EPSILON with some screenshots and you can also see the videos of different commands in Epsilon. So subscribe on youtube to see the videos soon.


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